
EditShare Extends Collaborative Editing into the Cloud with EFSv

Wednesday, April 22nd

Session 2: 7pm ET, 11pm UTC 

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The cloud has transformed every industry, join EditShare to see how video production can embrace the cloud today and unlock amazing potential moving forward. Our EFSv platform provides virtualized video-editing and storage to help you seamlessly transition from on-premise workflows to optimized remote production workflow in the cloud.

We will walk through the framework, setup, and ongoing management of your production environment in the cloud.  We will discuss and demonstrate multi-vendor NLE support inclusive of multi-platform collaborative editing with intelligent locking and permissions capabilities as well as methods for clustering AWS instances to meet the scale-out variable requirements of bandwidth, storage, and multi-track editing in the cloud.  And, we’ll give you a blueprint for starting small and growing as your needs grow.  Join us as we work together to accelerate cloud deployments and increase productivity.  

Webinar Speakers

Stephen Tallamy

Chief Technology Officer

Bayon Shahidi

Systems Specialist

Access the Recording for Session 2